Individualized Education Program

Knowing whether your student needs an individual education plan (IEP) or  504 Plan is a critical step in your special education student’s  academic endeavors and may provide your student with a better framework for success in the classroom.

IEP Advocacy & Individual Education Plan Offers & Services

We provide legal advocacy for special needs students and their families in special education law matters. Get your student the individual education plan they need for academic success today.

Below, we’ve listed our service offerings for special education law matters:

Individual Education Plans (IEPs) versus 504 plans

male student pumping fist in air

Individual Education Plan (IEP) Eligibility

  • A child has 1/13 disabilities listed in the IDEA
  • Disability in question must affect the child’s educational performance from the general education curriculum
  • Access to funding for an Independent Educational Evaluation (IEE)
  • Connecting you to an IEP team

Legal requirements for an IEP team:

  • The student’s parent or caregiver,
  • At least one of the student’s general education teachers,
  • At least one special education teacher,
  • School psychologist or other specialist who can interpret evaluation results,
  • A district representative with authority over special education services, and
  • Funding/costs to get your child to the rightful IEP


Educational Equity For All.

(858) 433-1060

3914 Murphy Canyon Rd Suite A152, San Diego, CA 92123